Osteoarthritis in Dogs

Osteoarthritis in Dogs Osteoarthritis in dogs (OA) is the disease of bones which is also memorised as theDegenerative Joint Disease of dogs. It is one of the most common diseases of dogs that mostly affect the senior and large breeds of dogs. There is no effective treatment of OA, but early diagnosis and proper management

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Limb Amputation in Dogs

Limb Amputation in Dogs It is scary to think about having limb amputation for your four-legged fellows. This is because; they are going to live with only three legs that may hinder their performance. Frankly, limb amputation for the dog having a damaged leg does much better to enhance the quality of life instead. Limb

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Elbow Dysplasia in Dogs

ELBOW DYSPLASIA Dysplasia is a term that reflects abnormal development, and collectively Elbow Dysplasia leads to disturb the elbow joint development. It is a common skeleton condition that causes the front leg to limp in dogs. It is treatable and needs early diagnosis and prompts cure by an expert. How does Elbow Dysplasia develop in

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Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

HIP DYSPLASIA Low- impact and high- resistance exrcises such as swimming are really well suited to dogs with joint conditions like dysplasia. This is because they help build up the larger buttock muscles, which help support the ball and socket hip joint. It is a form of skeletal deformity that results from the abnormal growth

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